News & Events

12.04.12 09:30
Project meeting in Ljubljana
After the kick-off in November 2011, WoodApps partners joined for second time for a face to face meeting from 04th to 05th of April 2012 in Ljubjana/Slovenia.
The project partners from Sweden, Ireland, Germany and Slovenia took the opportunity to discuss important project issues in detail. Furthermore Lotta Woxblom, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, presented the developed interview guide (WP1) and Nike Krajnc, Slovenian Forestry Institute, elucidated the procedure within WP5 (dissemination and networking). In addition to that associated project partner from Slovenia (JAVOR PIVKA D.D.; SGG TOLMIN d.d.) joined the meeting to discuss practice issues as well as to link research and industry.
In the course of a fild demonstraton the company Datapan presendet the "Bober Forestry System". The system is based on electronic digital calipers in combination with a mobile phone application.
The next project meeting will be hosted by TSSG - Telecommunications Software & Systems Group in Ireland.
